Wednesday, September 9, 2009

09/09/09 What does it mean to you ?

In the Mayan tradition, there are 9 deities (Gods/Goddesses) that will supposedly come at the "end date" of the Mayan calendar (2012). As many of you know, there is a hiearchy of spiritual consciousness, and the Soul ascends to a higher level when it has learned the lessons of the previous. Today marks the beginning of our collective ascension to the highest level possible, level 9 and the top of the pyramid so to speak. An Awakening.

Change is inevitable and with the 9 influence, an incredible amount of change in a short period of time is what is occurring. Banks, businesses, world commerce, politics and even educational institutions are collapsing, re-building and transforming at an unbelievably rapid rate. Today, there is great power to be had if you are honest with yourself and committed to doing your part, serving a greater purpose and moving beyond any barriers you've imposed upon yourself and taken on as truth. As a collective we grow today. Today marks a new chapter.

From a Numerology standpoint, I would also offer that the repetition of the 9 increases the power of a 9 vibration. The 9 vibration is all about power beyond this world, the "end" of the single-digit cycle embodying all the other numbers before it (how in astrology, Pisces is the last stop on the karmic wheel if you will, possessing all the traits of the signs before it and a sign that has incredible compassion for humanity...because they have LIVED IT ALL and SEVERAL TIMES OVER. The same is true for the 9. When you have it repeat three times, that signals an ENDING. Not destruction. Not chaos. Unless of course, you choose to cling to the old way of doing things and then, yes it does feel like the "end of the you know it. But, not necessarily the end." Also, if you combine the entire date for today, it adds up to a "28" which breaks down to the Master Number 11.

What this means for YOU: Karmic patterns are showing their true colors today. If there is anything you have NOT DEALT WITH, it will keep coming back and with increased power today in the form of repetitive thoughts, physical reactions/symptoms and a general feeling of unrest, unless you take full responsibility for your part in creating the situation. Then you are FREE and you free EVERYONE INVOLVED. You need not do this in person. Energy works in wonderful ways and by simply intending love and forgiveness for anyone or anything you feel hurt/caused hurt towards, the karma is balanced and you are living in full integrity. It's a powerful day indeed to release yourself of the bondages that hold you back. The Angels and Goddesses applaud you!

If you want to learn more about Numerology and how it influences us everyday, please consider taking our Numerology 101 class! It will be offered later this month.

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